Juniper in Mythology and Folk Beliefs

Juniper, a coniferous tree of the genus Juniperus, is a species that can adapt to many climates. Therefore, it is possible to find some practices, myths and folk beliefs about juniper in many societies. Physical Characteristics of Juniper Tree The juniper tree, which can

Okunev Petroglyphs and Eurasian Solar Deities

The Okunev people have been the subject of many studies, both with their origins and the interesting abstract drawings they left behind. In the geography they spread, the solar-headed petroglyphs carved on steles and rocks are one of the oldest mythological archetypes related to

Mammoths in Art, Mythology and Folk Beliefs

Mammoths… Cute to some of us, frightening to others. The mammoths, which played an important role in the daily life of our Paleolithic ancestors, went extinct long ago. But the deep traces they left in the social memory have not completely lost their effect

Eight Mythological Creatures of Winter and Snow

With the arrival of December, winter began to make itself felt in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The weather is colder now and the nights are longer. Cold and long nights have been associated with new mythological creatures and monsters in many communities.

11 Scariest Creatures in Turkic and Altaic Myths

Mythological entities and fairy tale characters are important in that they carry traces of the social subconscious of the culture they belong to. Societies living in similar sociocultural conditions often believed in similar scary entities. For this reason, similar entities have appeared in the

The Tree Of Life In Turkic Mythology

There are many mythological trees that connect the sky and the earth. These trees, also called the tree of life, the world tree or the cosmic tree, often have similar meanings. The Romanian historian of religion Mircea Eliade argued that all the symbols that