Norse Mythology Quiz: Unleash Your Inner Viking!

The tales of Norse mythology have been an inspiration to countless writers, artists, and filmmakers. From the gods’ struggle for power to the battles between mortals and monsters, Norse mythology is a complex and multifaceted subject that offers endless avenues for exploration. By taking this quiz on Norse mythology, you can delve deeper into this rich cultural tradition and put your knowledge to the test. So, are you up for the challenge?

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Correct Answers

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What is the name of the goddess associated with love, beauty and fertility?

The correct answer is Frejya. Frejya is considered one of the most important and powerful goddesses in the Norse pantheon, and is often depicted as a beautiful and powerful warrior. She is also known for her ability to use magic.

What is the name of the tree of life in Norse mythology?

The name of the tree of life in Norse mythology is Yggdrasil. Often depicted as a gigantic ash tree, Yggdrasil is at the center of the Norse cosmic system.

Yggdrasil and the Nine Worlds in Norse Mythology

Which of the following is a wolf in Norse mythology?

The name of the giant wolf in Norse mythology is Fenrir. During Ragnarök, Fenrir will break his chains and devour the god Odin. Thereupon, Fenrir will be killed by Odin’s son, Víðarr.

Which of the following is not one of the sons of the Viking hero Ragnarr Loðbrók?

The known sons of the legendary Viking hero Ragnarr Loðbrók are Ivar, Björn, Ubba, Halfdan, Hvitserk and Sigurd.

Which is also known as the end of the world in Norse mythology?

In Norse mythology, the end of the world is called Ragnarök. It is an inevitable war in which many gods such as Odin, Thor, Týr, Loki and Freyr will die. Just before Ragnarök, there will be a long and cold winter called Fimbulvetr. Humanity will continue to exist thanks to Líf and Lífþrasir, who managed to survive by hiding during Ragnarök.

What is fimbulvetr?

Fimbulvetr, also known as Fimbulwinter, is a term from Norse mythology that describes a harsh winter that precedes the end of the world, also known as Ragnarök. According to the myth, Fimbulvetr lasts for three years and is characterized by snowstorms, extreme cold, and a lack of sunlight. It is said to be a time of great suffering and hardship for humans and gods alike, and is seen as a precursor to the final battle between the gods and their enemies.

What is the name of Thor’s hammer?

The name of Thor’s hammer is Mjölnir. According to Old Norse myths, Mjölrnir was used by Thor not only in wars but also in blessing ceremonies.

Which of the following is one of the nine realms in Yggdrasil?

Of those given in the options, only Niflheim is one of the nine realms in Yggdrasil. It is associated with fog, darkness and cold.

Which of the following is not a dwarf in Norse mythology?

Eitri, Brokkr and Norðri are some of the dwarves in Norse mythology. However, Hófvarpnir is the name of a mythological horse that can fly.

What tree is Yggdrasil usually depicted as?

Yggdrasil is often depicted as an ash tree, but there is no consensus on this yet.

Which of the following is not a source of Norse mythology?

The Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda, and the Gesta Danorum are among the most important sources of Norse mythology. However, Malleus Maleficarum is an anti-witchcraft book written by Catholic clergy.

Which of the following is not one of the creatures in Scandinavian folklore?

Troll, Bergsrå and Vörðr are folkloric creatures known for a very long time among Norse-origin communities. However, Opkan is the name of a vampire-like creature that causes psychological epidemics in Turkic folklore.

11 Scariest Creatures in Turkic and Altaic Myths

Which of the following is not one of the Æsir gods?

In Norse myths, the gods are divided into two groups: Æsir and Vanir. The best-known Æsir gods are Odin, Baldr, Thor, Höðr and Frigg. Njörðr, who is associated with the sea, wind and fertility, is one of the Vanir gods.

What bird is believed to sit on top of Yggdrasil?

According to the Prose Edda, a wise eagle lives among the branches of Yggdrasil. A hawk named Veðrfölnir sits between the eyes of this eagle, whose name is unknown.

Which of the following cannot be associated with the Old Norse religion?

Shamanism, magic and divination are concepts that can be associated with the Old Norse religion. However, Godianism is a religious movement that emerged in Nigeria in the late 1940s.

Who is the god of war in Norse mythology?

In Norse mythology, the god of war is Týr. One of his hands has been bitten by the giant wolf Fenrir. That’s why Týr is one-handed in the illustrations.

What is the name of the world in which humans live in Norse mythology?

Midgard, the world inhabited by humans in Norse mythology, is also one of the nine realms in Yggdrasil. The communication between Åsgard, where the Æsir gods live, and Midgard, where humans live, is provided by the rainbow bridge called Bifröst.