The roots of goat symbolism extend back thousands of years, reaching into prehistoric times. Goats, among the first animals domesticated by humans, are known for their ability to navigate steep slopes effortlessly. Neolithic communities benefited from both the meat and milk, as well as the wool and skin of these animals. This led to goats being symbolically associated with fertility and endurance in primitive communities. However, absurdly, in the early Middle Ages, goats were attributed with demonic properties. So what were the reasons behind this transformation?
Goat Symbolism in the Beginning of the Antique Age
Goats are animals that can give birth to multiple offspring in a single pregnancy and reach reproductive maturity quickly. Therefore, in cultures that underwent the Neolithic Revolution, goats were often seen as symbols of fertility and abundance. In many communities, goats were even sacrificed to gods or nature spirits as a means of ensuring the protection of crops and the continuation of prosperity.
The goat was one of the symbols of Enki, the god of creation and wisdom in Sumerian mythology. In later Ancient Mesopotamian societies, this god, also known as Ea, had another symbol, which was the fish. Both animals reflected Enki’s/Ea’s relationship with fertility and abundance. The fish also drew attention to the element of water, which was considered the source of life.
Some of the earliest traces of goat symbolism are found in Ancient Egypt. In Ancient Egypt, goats were seen as symbols of fertility and renewal. Banebdjedet, one of the oldest known Egyptian gods, and his Upper Egyptian equivalent, Khnum, were often associated with rams and sometimes with goats.
Why and How Were Goats Associated with the Devil?
Goats, which were the symbol of fertility, abundance and productivity throughout ancient times, were associated with both fertility, sexuality and victory in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. However, in later years, goats took on a demonic and negative image in some societies. This negative “goat symbolism” deepened as goats played negative roles in mythological narratives and artworks. So how did this transformation happen?
One possible origin of the goat-demon connection is the ancient Greek god Pan, who had goat legs, horns, and a beard. Pan was the god of nature, wilderness, and sexuality, frequently chasing nymphs and other creatures with his lustful desires. He was also known for his music, which could drive listeners mad and inspire fear. The word “panic” is derived from “Pan,” as he was said to cause sudden terror in travelers and soldiers.
Pan, in Ancient Greek mythology, was not portrayed as an evil creature but rather as a mischievous entity. However, Pan’s connection with sexuality and wildness eventually clashed with Christianity and other monotheistic beliefs. As a result, Pan’s image became subject to the process of demonization that pagan gods underwent.
With the spread of Christianity, the pagan gods in Europe were demonized, aiming to facilitate the rapid adoption of Christianity. Pan, often depicted with goat legs and goat horns, became a suitable model for the devil, seen as an enemy of God and a seducer of humanity, due to his wildness and sexual appetite. The goat also symbolized the opposite of the lamb, which was a symbol of Jesus and his followers. Therefore, the goat was associated with sinners and rebels who would be separated from the righteous on judgment day.
The potential source of the goat-devil relationship can also be found in the concept of the “scapegoat” mentioned in the Book of Leviticus.

The scapegoat ritual took place during Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), one of the sacred days for the Israelites. Yom Kippur, considered one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, serves the purpose of purifying the community from sins and reconciling with God.
On the Day of Yom Kippur, two goats were initially chosen for the scapegoat ritual. A lottery was then drawn to determine which one would be sacrificed to God and which one would bear the sins of the people and be sent into the wilderness. After the goats were designated, one was sacrificed to God, while the other, symbolically carrying the sins of the community, was released into the desert. This ritual served to purify the community from its sins.
Azazel is a term first appearing in the Book of Leviticus in the Torah. In this context, it is used to refer to either a supernatural being or a desolate place where a scapegoat is sent on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). The exact meaning and origin of the term are unclear. In later years, some Jewish and Christian scholars defined Azazel as the name of a fallen angel or a demon who taught forbidden knowledge to humans and corrupted them. This interpretation is largely based on the non-canonical Book of Enoch.
Goat Symbolism in the Middle Ages
Throughout the Middle Ages, goats continued to represent pagan beliefs and demonic forces. As Christianity spread, the characteristics of goats associated with paganism were disparaged by the church. Goats were considered symbols of rebellion and sexual deviance. Additionally, their horns were likened to the horns of the devil, further solidifying their association with dark powers.
The goat wasn’t just a symbol of Satan, it was also a well-known animal in rural life during the Middle Ages. Goats could survive in harsh conditions, eat various plants, and climb steep slopes. They were intelligent, curious, and independent, making them difficult to control and train. In this context, goats were often seen as companions to villagers living on the outskirts of society, shepherds, and hermits.
Goats and Witchcraft
During the Middle Ages, witches were believed to possess supernatural powers, engage in magic, and collaborate with the devil. Consequently, goats, associated with Satan, were also considered the closest companions of witches.
In the medieval thought system, goats appeared in the rituals of witches as sacrifices, mounts, or even as manifestations of the devil himself. Goats were also seen as the sexual partners of witches and the devil.
During the witch hunts that occurred between the 15th and 18th centuries, the relationship between witches and goats was used as a pretext to accuse and burn individuals at the stake. Those suspected of being witches were questioned about their interactions with goats, whether they kept goats, spoke to them, or engaged in sexual activities with them. The church claimed that witches engaged in sexual acts with goats, who were believed to be disguised demons, and used goat blood, milk, fur, or horns for making spells and potions.

In modern times, it’s evident that the concept of witchcraft has distanced itself from its dark image of the past. The relationship between witches and goats persists but is now viewed with a more positive perspective. Modern witches often see goats as symbols of nature, abundance, and freedom.
Among modern witches, there is a group that believes in the connection between goats and energy. Goats are seen as beings that draw positive energy and provide a kind of spiritual balance for witches. This adds a spiritual depth to the relationship between witches and goats.
- Ramasami, J. (2021). Goat symbol indicates the Sumerian God Ea, who was the precursor to Greek god Hermes/Pan. The Indus Valley Script.
- Wikipedia contributors. “Goat#Mythology and folklore.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 14 Feb. 2024. Web. 7 Mar. 2024.